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Jun 29, 2021

Sharon Hagi, Chief Security Officer for Silicon Labs, talks to Kyle Dando where he discusses Ransomware, Colonial Pipeline and JBS



Jun 15, 2021

Nick hijacks another episode and tracks down Kyle who is still living his Hawaiian vacation to answer a few questions about what all this WorksWith stuff is all about.....

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Jun 8, 2021

It's another hijack episode!

In this episode Nick once again grabs the show away from Kyle's capable mitts to spend some quality time catching up with Phil Beecher - CEO and President of the Wi-SUN Alliance, where he gets some basic understanding of what Wi-SUN is and why it is so important to the Smart City evolution!

Jun 1, 2021

Are you developing a new Bluetooth product?
Then you will benefit from all the new features in EFR Connect, by Silicon Labs. How will you verify your device has the proper GATT configuration? Can you review a log of Bluetooth messages? Have you wanted to do an easy to implement Range Test? Surely you will need to test...